Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Skeletonema Culture
I started a one liter batch culture of Skeletonema costatum on wednesday afternoon. The media for the culture is f/2 -Si. A 1ml innoculum from Kay Bidle was used. S. costatum is a renowned "sticky" diatom. However, in the cpmmunity, there seems tobe some confusion as to the source of this stickiness. While some folks find the exudate from S. costatum to the reason for theis species' ability to form long chains, other studies have noted the morphology of the cell as being the primary reaosn for chain formation. The morphology of S. costatum looks something like the large black orb used in to torture Princess Lea in the original trilogy. Where the long needle is used to attach to other similarly scary diatoms of the genus Skeletonema.