Sunday, March 06, 2005
Larry Sanford Lunch
This post is mostly a reminder to myself to pick up Baja Fresh @ 11:45 am Monday for the grad student lunvh with the guest seminar speaker Larry Sanford. Larry id driving up from Horn Point, Maryland, and has written several papers about flocculation in estuaries which I have found to be pretty keen. In particular, he wrote one paper published in 1997 on turbulence in experimental ecosystems, that has had a significant impact on my approach to research. In particular, there is one graph from this paper that shows the range of turbulence used in most lab experiements, and the natural range of turbulence. Everyone has known for decades that we are principally limited by scaling issues (low turbulence levels in the lab require large volumes of water and oong periods of time), but his graph is a wonderful illustration of the desparity between the two.
Remeber to get Baja fresh @ 11:45am!
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I don't think too many folks read my blog, plus you are pretty intelligent dude. So in the end, I don't think you need to worry about looking stupid. But in the end, the Baja Fresh did go over quite well with the other students and the seminar speaker.
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I don't think too many folks read my blog, plus you are pretty intelligent dude. So in the end, I don't think you need to worry about looking stupid. But in the end, the Baja Fresh did go over quite well with the other students and the seminar speaker.
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