dromeas - an oceanographic lab notebook and running log
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Back in action
It has been a while since i last posted to my lab notebook. For the most part, this can be attributed to the fact that I my lab work was interrupted by some field work. Hopefully in some future posts I will post some pictures from the top secret exercise I conducted with the Navy in Norfolk for the past two weeks. For now, I am making a boring science post and a brief running post. Today I made progress on determing the steady state of the the volume flux from the Jackson model. Mutz helped me devise a method to determine the steady state while trying to keep computation to a minimum. I'll post how my tests of the method proceed.
Otherwise, I ran moderate for about an hour today. Today was my first serious run since my fourth place finish at Promise Land a few weeks ago. That race was a bit of a shock as I was running with Scott Jurek of all folks for a good part of the race.